Though there are no legal requirements governing behaviour for upstairs neighbours (though there really ought to be), we encourage you not to be that neighbour everyone loves to hate. Life has a funny way of returning what you put into it. You will have to leave your apartment from time-to-time, and the angry stares from the rest of your complex are going to make your life equally as uncomfortable as you’re making it for your neighbours.
Below are some guidelines for considerate upstairs living behaviour:
Think Gazelle, not elephant
Sound travels, and from the position of your downstairs neighbour, even tip-toeing around in a pair of sneakers can sound like you’re stomping around in a pair of cement blocks. Once through the door, swap out your shoes for slippers. Not only is it more comfortable, but it also prevents your neighbour from calling animal control to collect the horse that’s galloping around in the upstairs apartment.
Stop Midnight Spring Cleaning
Some upstairs neighbours choose the most inopportune timing to vacuum their floors and rearrange their furniture. Save the cleaning for mid-morning on the weekend, or first thing after you return from work to avoid waking up your neighbours early in the mornings or keeping them up at night. If you really can’t sleep, try packing a clothing cupboard or do some light dusting – anything that doesn’t make a lot of noise.
For Heaven’s Sake…Stop dropping things
Anyone who has ever lived below somebody will know this sound. It’s as though the upstairs neighbour has a jar of marbles placed on a rickety table that’s difficult to pass by without being knocked over. Nobody has any idea what exactly causes this sound, but we suggest fastening any lose objects or keeping them in drawers were spillage is not an option.
Feeling Restricted? Consider Moving…
At the end of the day, it is still your home and you do not want to feel restricted in how you are allowed to behave in it. If you really want to continue your midnight cleaning sprees, then perhaps you ought to consider investing in a free-standing property where distance can act as a better sound barrier between you and your neighbour.
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